params <- list(seed = 2924) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!require("BiocManager")) { # install.packages("BiocManager") # } # BiocManager::install("glmSparseNet") ## ----packages, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results='hide'------------------- library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(survival) library(futile.logger) library(curatedTCGAData) library(TCGAutils) library(MultiAssayExperiment) # library(glmSparseNet) # # Some general options for futile.logger the debugging package flog.layout(layout.format("[~l] ~m")) options( "glmSparseNet.show_message" = FALSE, "glmSparseNet.base_dir" = withr::local_tempdir() ) # Setting ggplot2 default theme as minimal theme_set(ggplot2::theme_minimal()) ## ----curated_data, include=FALSE---------------------------------------------- # chunk not included as it produces to many unnecessary messages prad <- tryCatch( { curatedTCGAData( diseaseCode = "PRAD", assays = "RNASeq2GeneNorm", version = "1.1.38", = FALSE ) }, error = function(err) { NULL } ) ## ----curated_data_non_eval, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # prad <- curatedTCGAData( # diseaseCode = "PRAD", assays = "RNASeq2GeneNorm", # version = "1.1.38", = FALSE # ) ##, warning=FALSE, error=FALSE, eval=!is.null(prad)--------------- # keep only solid tumour (code: 01) pradPrimarySolidTumor <- TCGAutils::TCGAsplitAssays(prad, "01") xdataRaw <- t(assay(pradPrimarySolidTumor[[1]])) # Get survival information ydataRaw <- colData(pradPrimarySolidTumor) |> |> # Find max time between all days (ignoring missings) dplyr::rowwise() |> dplyr::mutate( time = max(days_to_last_followup, days_to_death, na.rm = TRUE) ) |> # Keep only survival variables and codes dplyr::select(patientID, status = vital_status, time) |> # Discard individuals with survival time less or equal to 0 dplyr::filter(! & time > 0) |> # Set index as the patientID rownames(ydataRaw) <- ydataRaw$patientID # keep only features that have standard deviation > 0 xdataRaw <- xdataRaw[ TCGAbarcode(rownames(xdataRaw)) %in% rownames(ydataRaw), ] xdataRaw <- xdataRaw[, apply(xdataRaw, 2, sd) != 0] |> scale() # Order ydata the same as assay ydataRaw <- ydataRaw[TCGAbarcode(rownames(xdataRaw)), ] set.seed(params$seed) smallSubset <- c( geneNames(c( "ENSG00000103091", "ENSG00000064787", "ENSG00000119915", "ENSG00000120158", "ENSG00000114491", "ENSG00000204176", "ENSG00000138399" ))$external_gene_name, sample(colnames(xdataRaw), 100) ) |> unique() |> sort() xdata <- xdataRaw[, smallSubset[smallSubset %in% colnames(xdataRaw)]] ydata <- ydataRaw |> dplyr::select(time, status) ## ----fit, eval=!is.null(prad)------------------------------------------------- set.seed(params$seed) fitted <- cv.glmHub(xdata, Surv(ydata$time, ydata$status), family = "cox", nlambda = 1000, network = "correlation", options = networkOptions( cutoff = .6, minDegree = .2 ) ) ## ----results, eval=!is.null(prad)--------------------------------------------- plot(fitted) ## ----show_coefs, eval=!is.null(prad)------------------------------------------ coefsCV <- Filter(function(.x) .x != 0, coef(fitted, s = "lambda.min")[, 1]) data.frame( = names(coefsCV), = geneNames(names(coefsCV))$external_gene_name, coefficient = coefsCV, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) |> arrange( |> knitr::kable() ## ----eval=!is.null(prad)------------------------------------------------------ separate2GroupsCox(as.vector(coefsCV), xdata[, names(coefsCV)], ydata, plotTitle = "Full dataset", legendOutside = FALSE ) ## ----sessionInfo-------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()