## ----installation, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("TEKRABber") ## ----load package, message=FALSE---------------------------------------------- library(TEKRABber) ## ----load built-in data (two species)----------------------------------------- # load built-in data data(speciesCounts) hmGene <- speciesCounts$hmGene hmTE <- speciesCounts$hmTE chimpGene <- speciesCounts$chimpGene chimpTE <- speciesCounts$chimpTE # the first column must be Ensembl gene ID for gene, and TE name for TE head(hmGene) ## ----search species name, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # # You can use the code below to search for species name # ensembl <- biomaRt::useEnsembl(biomart = "genes") # biomaRt::listDatasets(ensembl) ## ----orthology and normalizeation, message=FALSE------------------------------ # In order to save time, we provide the data for this tutorial. # you can also uncomment the code below and run it for yourself. data(fetchDataHmChimp) fetchData <- fetchDataHmChimp # Query the data and calculate scaling factor using orthologScale(): #' data(speciesCounts) #' data(hg38_panTro6_rmsk) #' hmGene <- speciesCounts$hmGene #' chimpGene <- speciesCounts$chimpGene #' hmTE <- speciesCounts$hmTE #' chimpTE <- speciesCounts$chimpTE #' #' ## For demonstration, here we only select 1000 rows to save time #' set.seed(1234) #' hmGeneSample <- hmGene[sample(nrow(hmGene), 1000), ] #' chimpGeneSample <- chimpGene[sample(nrow(chimpGene), 1000), ] #' #' ## hg38_panTro6_rmsk = prepareRMSK("hg38", "panTro6") #' fetchData <- orthologScale( #' speciesRef = "hsapiens", #' speciesCompare = "ptroglodytes", #' geneCountRef = hmGeneSample, #' geneCountCompare = chimpGeneSample, #' teCountRef = hmTE, #' teCountCompare = chimpTE, #' rmsk = hg38_panTro6_rmsk #' ) ## ----create input files, warning=FALSE---------------------------------------- inputBundle <- DECorrInputs(fetchData) ## ----DE analysis (two species), message=FALSE, results='hide', warning=FALSE---- meta <- data.frame( species = c(rep("human", ncol(hmGene) - 1), rep("chimpanzee", ncol(chimpGene) - 1)) ) meta$species <- factor(meta$species, levels = c("human", "chimpanzee")) rownames(meta) <- colnames(inputBundle$geneInputDESeq2) hmchimpDE <- DEgeneTE( geneTable = inputBundle$geneInputDESeq2, teTable = inputBundle$teInputDESeq2, metadata = meta, expDesign = TRUE ) ## ----correlation (two species), warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE--------------------- # # we select the 200 rows of genes for demo # hmCorrResult <- corrOrthologTE( # geneInput = hmchimpDE$geneCorrInputRef[c(1:200),], # teInput = hmchimpDE$teCorrInputRef, # numCore = 1, # corrMethod = "pearson", # padjMethod = "fdr" # ) # # chimpCorrResult <- corrOrthologTE( # geneInput = hmchimpDE$geneCorrInputCompare[c(1:200), ], # teInput = hmchimpDE$teCorrInputCompare, # numCore = 1, # corrMethod = "pearson", # padjMethod = "fdr" # ) ## ----app visualize (two species), warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------- # remotes::install_github('rstudio/gridlayout') # # library(plotly) # library(bslib) # library(shiny) # library(gridlayout) # # appTEKRABber( # corrRef = hmCorrResult, # corrCompare = chimpCorrResult, # DEobject = hmchimpDE # ) ## ----load built-in data (same species)---------------------------------------- # load built-in data data(ctInputDE) geneInputDE <- ctInputDE$gene teInputDE <- ctInputDE$te # you need to follow the input format as below head(geneInputDE) ## ----DE analysis (same species), warning=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE---- metaExp <- data.frame(experiment = c(rep("control", 5), rep("treatment", 5))) rownames(metaExp) <- colnames(geneInputDE) metaExp$experiment <- factor( metaExp$experiment, levels = c("control", "treatment") ) resultDE <- DEgeneTE( geneTable = geneInputDE, teTable = teInputDE, metadata = metaExp, expDesign = FALSE ) ## ----correlation (same species), warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE-------------------- # controlCorr <- corrOrthologTE( # geneInput = resultDE$geneCorrInputRef[c(1:200),], # teInput = resultDE$teCorrInputRef, # numCore = 1, # corrMethod = "pearson", # padjMethod = "fdr" # ) # # treatmentCorr <- corrOrthologTE( # geneInput = resultDE$geneCorrInputCompare[c(1:200),], # teInput = resultDE$teCorrInputCompare, # numCore = 1, # corrMethod = "pearson", # padjMethod = "fdr" # ) # # head(treatmentCorr) ## ----app visualize (same species), warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------ # remotes::install_github('rstudio/gridlayout') # appTEKRABber( # corrRef = controlCorr, # corrCompare = treatmentCorr, # DEobject = resultDE # ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()