## plyxp 0.99.24 * Since `plyxp` does not have a conflict with `tidySummarizedExperiment` anymore, we have removed package startup messages warning of potential conflicts. ## plyxp 0.99.21 * Fixed documentation of `?plyxp::mutate` and other dplyr functions reexported by `plyxp`. * `PlySummarizedExperiment` should be able to hold any `SummarizedExperiment` object ## plyxp 0.99.20 * plyxp now wraps `SummarizedExperiment` in a shell class named `PlySummarizedExperiment` to avoid conflicts with `tidySummarizedExperiment`. * Use `PlySummarizedExperiment()` or `new_plyxp()` to create a new object. * Use standard Generics `se()` and `se<-()` to get and set the underlying `SummarizedExperiment` object. * plyxp `dplyr` verbs are now defined for `PlySummarizedExperiment` objects instead of `SummarizedExperiment` objects. * `PlySummarizedExperiment` uses enhanced printing methods to display `SummarizedExperiment` objects in a tidy format. ## plyxp 0.99.19 * Package renamed to `plyxp` to be more specific about its functionality ## plyxp 0.99.18 * messages checking for conflicts use `cli::` methods for pretty printing * Vignette typo correction ## plyxp 0.99.13 * `print.SummarizedExperiment` has been renamed to `show_tidy.SummarizedExperiment` and `show_tidy` is exported as an S3 generic. * Adjust show function display original show method by default. using `show_tidy()` is now opt-in via options or `use_show_tidy()`. * Verbose messages checking if `tidySummarizedExperiment` is already attached or ever becomes loaded with `plyxp`. * change README and Vignette explaining this package provides an alternative approach to `tidySummarizedExperiment` to manipulating `SummarizedExperiment` objects. For now they are exclusive in their functionality, but there may be plans to reconsile conflicts in the future! ## plyxp 0.99.12 * developer subscribed to bioc-devel mailing list * used `<-` assignment instead of `=` in top-level functions ## plyxp 0.99.11 Biocondcutor Submission version!