Changes in version 0.3.2                        

      - Implemented data-raw for reproducibility

  - MINOR:
      - Changed xlim of norm. distr. plot in plotPeriodicityResults()

                 Changes in version 0.3.1 (2020-05-05)                  

      - rollmean(k=3) is now applied before normalisation as well, on
        the raw distribution vector
      - plotPeriodicityResults() output returns one single plot (with
      - getPeriodicityTrack() now returns the Rle
      - Improved plotting functions -now show shuffled for
      - Added ggplot2 theming

  - MINOR:
      - Changed many variable names (all to snake_case)
      - sampleGRanges is now full-fledged function (GRanges,
        DNAStringSet, character and BSgenome methods)
      - sampleGenome is an alias for sampleGRanges.character
      - Added sacCer3 to getPeriodicity BSgenomes
      - Added DNAString method for getPeriodicity
      - Added a vignette describing the internal steps
      - Clarified user-level functions in README
      - Added ce11_TSSs data
      - Renamed generateperiodicitytrack as getPeriodicityTrack
      - Renamed variables in getFPI and getPeriodicity
      - Created a utility char2BSgenome()

                 Changes in version 0.3.0 (2020-05-03)                  

  - Added tests
  - Added getFPI function
  - cleaned-up functions
  - cleaned-up function dependencies
  - Added toy data
  - Added vignette

                 Changes in version 0.2.1 (2020-03-04)                  

  - Added Travis build check
  - Simplified