Changes in version 1.13.4 - Fix a bug in GRN.R - Fix a bug in DEA_LRT_DESeq2 - Move BiocStyle to Imports Changes in version 1.13.1 - Fix the bug of re-building the vignette on Windows. Changes in version 1.3.1 - Change the email from to Changes in version 1.1.0 - Bump the version number according to the Bioconductor. Changes in version 1.0.1 - Fix the bug: object 'print.tbl' not found. Changes in version 1.0.0 - Bump the version number because of the release of Bioconductor. Changes in version 0.99.19 - Fix bugs in .regSEA function. Changes in version 0.99.18 - Update R version dependency to 4.0.0. Changes in version 0.99.17 - Fix bugs of regenrich_diffExpr function. - Add an example for %>%. - Use Authors@R [cre] designation. Changes in version 0.99.16 - Import magrittr Changes in version 0.99.15 - Fix a bug in regenrich_rankScore function. - Reexport pipe %>%. Changes in version 0.99.14 - Add \donttest tags. - Optimize COEN function. - Replace bplapply by lapply in pickSoftThreshold2 function. Changes in version 0.99.13 - Fix bugs of plotSoftPower on Windows. - Hide documentations of COEN and GRN functions. - Remove doParallel package from imports. Changes in version 0.99.12 - Remove .Rpoj file. Changes in version 0.99.11 - Remove \dontrun tags from all examples. - Remove lazyData: true from DESCRIPTION. - Formatting vignettes using BiocStyle. - Replace NEWS file by file to track changes to the package. - Some packages in Imports are moved to Depends in DESCRIPTION file. - DeaSet class inherits SummarizedExperiment class. - RegenrichSet class inherits DeaSet class. - TopNetwork class inherits BiocSet class. - topResult and allResult slots of Enrich object are tibble rather than data frame. - Score class inherits tibble. - The show methods for DeaSet, TopNetwork, Enrich, Score, and RegenrichSet object have been optimized. Changes in version 0.99.1 - Submission to Bioconductor.