CHANGES IN VERSION 1.72.0 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o The vignette documenting the seed-based forging process has moved to the BSgenomeForge package. This vignette used to be called the "BSgenomeForge vignette" but it has now be renamed the "Advanced BSgenomeForge usage" vignette. o All the tools related to the seed-based forging process and used by the "Advanced BSgenomeForge usage" vignette are now in the BSgenomeForge package. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.28.0 ------------------------- NEW FEATURES o Add seqnames() setter for BSgenome objects so users can rename the single sequences in those objects. This has been a popular user request for a while. SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Add sanity check to "getSeq" method for BSgenome objects, raising an error if the supplied BSgenome and GRanges objects are based on incompatible reference genomes. MISCELLANEOUS o Started the NEWS file (this file).