Changes in version 1.0.15                        

  - Fixed typo in mapRNA

                       Changes in version 1.0.14                        

  - Fixed inaccuracies in README
  - Fixed bug in RNAmergeGenomes

                       Changes in version 1.0.13                        

  - Updates citation

                       Changes in version 1.0.12                        

  - Updated RNAfeatures and plotRNAfeatures including new parameters to
    control plotting and representation of genomic features.
  - Updated citation

                       Changes in version 1.0.11                        

  - Major updated to RNAfeatures. Instead identifies features
    independently for the genome annotation rather than using preset

                        Changes in version 1.0.1                        

  - Version bump following Bioconductor updates.
  - Improved the RNAfeatures function due discrepancies. Previously,
    calculated width rather than relative number of features.
  - Improved RNAdistribution function, including fixing a small bug,
    replaced depreciated functioned and improved aesthetic and code
  - Introduced new plotting function plotRNAfeatures.

                       Changes in version 0.99.23                       

  - Improved RNAfeatures function

                       Changes in version 0.99.22                       

  - Fixed issues in RNAimport function

                       Changes in version 0.99.20                       

  - Build redo

                       Changes in version 0.99.19                       

  - Missing connective in RNAfeatures when using repeats variable.
  - Added additional check for RNAsequences methods.

                       Changes in version 0.99.17                       

  - Corrected ORCID references for authors

  - Amended RNAmobile() to ensure removal of non-zero values
  - Improved look of PCA plot
  - Corrected documentation issue and code disparage in plotHeatmap(),
    and improved styling.
  - Included calculation of consensus sequence determination option for

                       Changes in version 0.99.15                       

  - Alteration of vignette and README
  - Included clean FASTQ files as example data sets
  - Updated R data objects
  - Updated citation & news files
  - Addition of new function called mapRNA()
  - Deletion of RNAloci() and RNAmean() functions
  - Additional parameters to RNAimport() to support mRNA data
  - Removed parallel computation in RNAmergeGenomes()
  - Improved documentation of functions and removed inconsistencies.

                       Changes in version 0.99.14                       

Previous changes

  - Added a file to track changes to the package.
  - RNAconsensus() changed to RNAdicercall()
  - Alterations to RNAdicercall() algorithm, including tie options,
    altered default tidy method.
  - RNAdicercall() introduced new column "DicerCount" and improved the
    functionality, specifically the exclude parameter.
  - RNAmobile() introduced new parameter, "threshold"
  - Improved RNAsequences() selection algorithm to consider a threshold
    value, and handling ties.
  - Improved error calling on functions
  - Added RNAdf2e() function
  - Improvements to plotSamplePCA() and plotHeatmap()
  - Amended RNAmergeAnnotations function to meet requirement
  - Removed unnecessary man files for GFF and FASTA files on remote repo
  - Fixed bug in RNAdistribution() plot, when sample specific
  - Broadened use of RNAattributes() function.
  - Updated vignette
  - Updated RNAdicercall() to allow any dicer-classification (not
    constricted to 20-24)
  - Converted cat() to message() for user information from functions
  - Amended example data
  - Amended CITATION and NEWs file
  - Altered examples in RNAmergeAnnotations/Genomes functions to prevent
    examples saving into users directory
  - updates inline with bioconductor requirements
  - Amended RNAmergeGenomes() and RNAmergeAnnotations()
  - Removed lazy loading of package data
  - RNAanalysis() changed name to RNAdifferentialAnalysis()