Changes in version 2.0.0                        

  - keyword<- behaves now as normal replacement method, i.e. keyword(fr)
    <- list(name = value) will replace the entire keyword list instead
    of partial updating/inserting, to achieve latter, use
    keyword(fr)["name"] <- value
  - [ method (e.g. fr[, 1:4]) no longer deletes $PnX keywords
    automatically so that it is compatible with cytoframe

                        Changes in version 1.53                         

  - 'workFlow' class and related classes and methods now defunct #148 --
    superseded by flowWorkspace
  - Add support for multiple data segments in 'read.FCSheader'
  - Fixed some edge cases with 'read.FCS 'with column.pattern argument
  - Added 'transform_gate' methods for geometric transformations of
  - Added 'collapse_desc' for coercing keyword lists in to character
  - 'spillover' method for calculating compensation matrix from a
    'flowSet' of controls moved to 'flowStats'
  - Added 'filter_keywords' for filtering lists of keywords
  - Deprecate description and description<- for keyword and keyword<- to
    reduce redundancy and give consistent behavior for cytoframe
    RGLab/flowWorkspace #311

                       Changes in version 1.47.10                       

  - All documentation converted converted to roxygen2 with some
    additions and reorganization

                       Changes in version 1.37.6                        

  - read.FCS
      - supports FCS that has diverse bit widths across
      - supports FCS that uses big integer (i.e. uint32 > R's
        integer.max) write.FCS
      - Fixes several bugs so that this API is now more usable

                       Changes in version 1.31.15                       

  - Deprecation
      - 'filterSet' and 'workFlow' are deprecated by
      - update vignette by using 'GatingSet'
  - Enhancement
      - support 'SPILLOVERinread.FCS` besides the existing keywords
        ("SPILL", "spillover")
      - support reading(read.FCS ) bad FCS files exported by flowJo that
        do not follow standards strictly
      - support 'ncdfFlowList' in 'findTimeChannel' function

                       Changes in version 1.29.25                       

  - Copied 'featureSignif' and other required functions from the
    'feature' package into 'flowCore', to remove an undesired dependency
    on tcltk (caught in the dependency chain from 'feature'). These
    functions have been collated into 'feature.R'.

                       Changes in version 1.23.7                        

  - fix the bug that malformed spillover matrix in write.FCS

                       Changes in version 1.23.3                        

  - add argument "emptyValue" to read.FCS API so that parser can still
    work correctly when either cases below occurs :
    1.  there is double-delimiter in keyword values (sometime like
    2.  there is empty keyword value

                       Changes in version 1.23.2                        

  - add new classes "filters", "filtersList" to allow flowViz to plot
    multiple filters/gates for one flowFrame

                       Changes in version 1.21.5                        

  - add .readFCSdataRaw routine to read FCS containing bit-packed
    integer data (with odd-bitwidth like 9,11 instead of 8,16,32,64)
    .Currently the bit-wise manipulation is done within R,it can be
    moved to C if speed issue becomes a problem in the future.

                       Changes in version 1.21.1                        

  - add TEXT segment parser in readFCStext function for FCS3 when the
    delimiter characters existing inside of keyword values. Note this
    parser require all keywords and their values to be non-empty, which
    conforms to FCS3 standard

                       Changes in version 1.15.2                        

  - Modified the logicle and the inverse logicle transformation to make
    use of the C++ library provided by Wayne Moore et al.

  - Added a function estimateLogicle to automatically estimate the
    logicle transformation parameters given a flowFrame and the channels
    to be transformed as input.

  - Modified the inverseLogicleTransfom function to take the output of a
    logicleTransform function as input.